Here is a re-introduction to myself for my Contemporary Media Issues class with Prof Rob Williams-

My drives license says Lawrence Kansas, my birth certificate is from the state of New Jersey, I started school in Kentucky, but I lived for ten years in three different places in New Hampshire... I'm not sure where I'm from.

During winter vacation I spent most of my time in a small town in Southern Vermont near Mount Snow. However, I went to visit my cousin in up state New York and of course one of the first things I noticed when all the billboards. I hated it! Not only does it destroy the views but do we really need giant signs in our face? The one that sticks out the most was black with one bold white word, "GAY?" and the next one said "It's okay" with a website underneath. Clearly it wasnt that good because I dont remember the website.
I LOVE the convergence of different types of tools into one. On a smart phone you can shoot, edit, and upload a movie! With practice anyone can make something that looks professional! I know I'm not a professional but I love making movies and sharing them with friends on my youtube account and facebook-
The down side to people having access to applications that allow them to appear as professionals, is some people get confused as to what is true information (which is already hard enough to define) and falls information. That combined with the simplicity to spread the information through twitter, blogs, liking, digging makes media and technology very frustrating to me.

Thats all for now, thanks for reading. Be sure to come back to read more about my opinions and observations about media, advertising, brands.