1. Using Twitter for connections, not gossip.

2. Blogging to stay connected, no more useless rants.

3. Writing to create a set, new point of view.

I've learned and realized in this class how to use twitter for more than another medium to talk to my friends and update them on what I'm doing. Ive made a few connection and am being followed by companies such as Discovery channel, American Sailing Association, Champlain things, and a few local non profits that I would enjoy to internship with. Using twitter in this class to create conversations using the hash tag is something I've really embraced in this class. Ive also used it for other projects and its worked really well! This class also motivated me to get a twitter application for my blackberry. Using twitter as more of an education conversation tool and for communications and less of a facebook status update is something that I really enjoy. Its been great to see the #CampChamp twitter community grow.
2. Blogging to stay connected, no more useless rants.

I've used blogs since high school but this semester I've branched out and created my own blog. I've learned how to embrace the use of pictures, words, and videos and apply it to my blog. The
use of blogging has changed in my mind since starting this class. I used to think blogs were annoying and a place where people just ranted about their lives. I've grown to appreciate blogs a lot more. This summer I will be living at a sleep away camp where I cant be in constant communication with my friends and family, so a blog makes the most sense for everyone to hear my stories! I have connected word press to my blackberry and can upload blogs, videos, audio recordings, and pictures! I like that I cant spend my time off during the day telling stories about working at the summer camp in Maine and my road trip through Colorado, Yellowstone, and the Bad Lands! Because of this class, I've learned how to be a better blogger.
3. Writing to create a set, new point of view.

My next revelation from this class has to do with writing. I learned in our book that writers have to think about the studio their movie, T.V. show, or commercial will be filmed it. They have to make sure that they plan for how the size and abilities of the studio will effect the quality of the shot and if they put the scene in a too extreme place for the studio, it will effect the quality of the film. I've always viewed things from a director, producer, editor stand point never a writers. For example in the picture I've posted they have created the outside lighting. If they didn't have the ability to do this, the writers might have to re thing the scene. This photo was found on PhotographersDirect but is no longer posted.
4. Making writing easier through technology, can everyone do it?
5. Writing for news stations, always changing.
6.What is real news, fair news, fake news?
7. Writing to grab attention.

8. The change of electronic writing for fads.

9. Simplifying vocabulary for understanding or hindering learning?

10. No real need to trick the audience be honest and simple.

I know that I'm not a strong writer and I will never try to hide it. My skills fall in the editing and filming area. We learned about the different types of script writing and in the book I learned that there actually is software that can help you with it and make it easier to format. The programs allow you to draw several starboard frames and even give you an analysis of the screenplay that your writing, is so unreal. (Hilliard 66) I'm not sure how much this will actually make a script better but Its very interesting to think about. Will it soon be so easy even a baby can do it? I found the picture by searching and I thought it was very appropriate. I wish at Champlain we had the chance to actually use some of this software, maybe I would find out I'm not as bad of a writer as I thought, maybe even anyone can do it? What is going to be considered skill? Will a computer let anyone have the "skill" to write a script. It's a very interesting world writers are about to come across in the next few years.
5. Writing for news stations, always changing.
I've always thought about working for a news station. I like how you never know what type of a day you're in for. On page 136 Hilliard suggested that one of the most difficult jobs for a radio or T.V. righter might be having to select details and present them in a small length of time.
This video is a new story from CNN. The Iceland volcano eruption has created a need for a lot of stories. The smoke is stranding so many people that new stories are constantly coming out of it. This one (ironically about social media) is well done but its also done presented in two and a half minutes when I'm sure they had to cut a lot of things out. Its a really well done report and could easily fit in a short T.V. slot.
6.What is real news, fair news, fake news?
On page 157 Hilliard talks about fair news. He explains how news, in a perfect world would be fair, objective, and the facts would be facts, there would be less if no opinion. In the US there are currently 24 different news channels. Also non news channels such as MTV spend a good amount of time teach day reporting on "news". Of course most of these reports and channels spend all their time on gossip or people giving their opinions on the news. John Stewart on his show, The Daily Show even is able to poke fun at "news channels" such as-
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Fox News Panics | ||||
7. Writing to grab attention.

The next thing that was really emphasized in this course and the course book was catching the audiences attention. With a world that has so many pictures, writing, and other distracting things, the most important thing to do is capture the audience attention. Maybe the only thing that is more important is the ability to hold their attention. The audience is very easily distracted, and it is their opinion that either makes or breaks an ad, message, or what ever it is that you are trying to convey. For writers in the entertainment and media field it is their job to find a way that acts best to hold the target audience's attention. This picture is from the World Wildlife Funds' campaign to spread awareness of what is happening to animals and our environment. It is very effective because its a simple everyday picture turned shocking with the line "Don't buy exotic animal souvenirs". If the writers are not able to hold their audiences' attention, they need to find a new way fast, or find a new job because there is no point in trying to entertain or inform using the technique.
8. The change of electronic writing for fads.

Demographics control almost everything in the world of media. If there isnt someone or some group that writers, producers, or companies are trying to appeal to, there would be no point to produce products. There is a target audience for everything, T.V., shows, books, movies, songs, and sometimes (lately a lot of the time) a combination of these things. I find it interesting that one slight change can throw an entire T.V. channel or publishing company into a new direction and they will then create their own target audience. Recently there has been a lot more tv shows, movies, and books about vampires because of the Twilight craze. Just walking by book stores you can see entire sections dedicated to Vampire books. It opens up a new theme to writers to rapid fire produce new stories. The same thing happened after Harry Potter got popular, you could easily walk into a book store and pick up 10 books on different stories about witches and wizards. Of course none of these books were as good as Harry Potter and Twilight will never be more popular. Fan pictures such as the one I posted found on fanpop.com shows the fight between the two fads. But, these companies will keep trying and they will be able to convince pre-teens that these trends are what you need to know and love to be popular in their schools. Websites, tshirts, movies, books, its all a large part of companies wanting to become wealthy. But it does provide a lot of jobs for people who are screen writers, bloggers, and authors.
9. Simplifying vocabulary for understanding or hindering learning?

The only type of media that I could see myself working in other than documentary work and making movie trailers would be television. I love shows that make the audience think, stay engaged, and learn something new. Whether its a prime time political action show or a morning little kids show, I believe you can always learn something from a good show. In our course book there were five important things to remember when writing for television. Out of the five there is one that really stands out. It is the advice that writers must make sure you do not use too many big words. This is advice because some may be nervous that it might be a distraction from the main idea of the show! I feel like my entire time that I've been in school every teacher (not just English teachers) have told me that I need to use bigger, better, and more descriptive words to enhance my writing. Its annoying to think that producers and writers think that Americans can handle a more intelligent show. Also for shows where the target audience is children, should the use words that help them expand their vocabulary! I understand that if characters on shows spit out uncommon words left and right we might not be able to follow the show as well but at least let a few characters sound a bit more educational and love the wonderful world of a more broad vocabulary and embrace writing like the girl in my picture which I found on a blog.
10. No real need to trick the audience be honest and simple.

The last thing that I learned in this class really kept my hopes high was a little bit about commercials. In chapter four our book talked about good taste in commercials. It keeps my hopes up because it talked about how not every advertiser is trying to trick the audience into buying their products through sneaky ways.This picture from Dove is an example of a recently launched a campaign about how every woman and girl is beautiful and they dont need to be pushed around by the images they see in the media. Everyone has the right to be in a commercial because they are beautiful in their own way. These companies, producers, and writers use tasteful and educated techniques. They've learned that they do not need trick their target audience. The more honest and simple commercial is, the more effective it is. It is not hard for every writing company to use healthy respectable advertising, they might actually make more money by using it.
Thanks for yet another great semester Dr W!!!
And thank you for your hard work and dedication to our class and your learning, Laura!
ReplyDeleteThis is an EXCELLENT final TOP 10 REVELATIONS final examination (part 2) post.
Really impressive synthesis of Hilliard, our class conversations, and other texts we explored, like THE PERSUADERS. And your use of EMBEDS and hyperlinks is SPOT ON.
I will be posting final grades by this week-end online.
Enjoy your summer!
Remember to keep meditating on your media...
Dr. W