Thursday, April 21, 2011

Final: Brand Obama

1. Persuasive Campaign-
As every voter should know, there are two main parties in the United states that people chose to vote for; the Democrats and the Republicans.

Even though if you look at a list of all the political parties in the US, there is way more than two. What most people don't realize is that because we choose a president based on two political parties, we in effect, ensure that corporate andimperial power is able to continue to be a pronounced aspect of our nations policies. This observation isn't a new one.

In 1796 George Washington warned of problems created by the formation of political parties, but no one heeded his advice.

The Republican and Democratic parties control more than 95% of the federal and stat political offices in the US (outside of local elections). This makes it extremely difficult for an independent or third-party candidate to win.

On page 188 in Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics it says, "But it is really shocking that Obama would privilege personal and political advancement over what Gonzalez calls 'good decision making'? And what constitutes such decision-making, anyway". Political office holders are much more loyal to the party leaders than the people. The idea of the people being mad at them isnt as bad of the ida of being dumped by their party.

2. Obama's Money Spent-
What would you do with $32 million? How would you go about fundraising that? How long do you think it would take you to do that? It took Barack Obama and his staff one month.

He made US political history when he announced he had raised $32 million in fundraising in the month of January alone- the biggest ever amount taken in such a short time.

"I found intimations of the idea that forms of media favor particular kids of content and therefore are capable of taking command of a culture... the media of communication available to a culture are dominate influence on the formation of the culture's intellectual and social preoccupations"(Postman 9).

The money that Obama raises will allow him to spend heavily on advertising, which is the most effective way to get his message out to a vast, geographically-spread electorate. The major influence that media, especially TV plays in social perspectives, is something that campaigns have been using for years, and Obama's campaign is no different.

The McCain campaign had lots of financial trouble and relied on public funding. Obama had a strong advantage over McCain because his plan to refuse public funding. His entire national campaign was supported with private funds. He was so successful in raising funds from private doners, even though most of them were small contributions of less tahn $200.

Last election Hillary Clinton brought in $27 million compared to Obama's $32.5 Million, and she never really recovered from it. Because of that, Obama has already started to fundraise for 2012. Lets see how much money he can rack up for this election, and will it effect the out come?

3. What's Black, Red, White, and Blue All Over?
If Barack Obama was to stand next to me, anyone, even if they were color blind, could tell that he is darker than me. Why? Because he is black!!!

I've heard people actually criticize Obama for being too white. They have said that he dresses nice, is clean cut, and very articulate.

Well thats AWESOME, those are characteristics I want my president to have! Why has this been a problem? Isn't this part of what helped Obama build a following in middle America? But now that he has come under the limelight, people are saying his is too white (money and education) and at the same time too black (not from West African Slave decent).

The TIME's article Is Obama Black Enough? sums it up well, "Back in the real world, Obama is married to a black woman, He goes to a black church. He worked with poor people on the South Side of Chicago, and he still lives there." Those are facts that show that he is a normal man, with a good heart, and is educated.

In Censored there is a quote about media's focus; "The only stories corporate media seem to love more than those with titillating sexual or violent details are stories in which such details are wedded to scandalous exploits of celebrities" (Censored 161). It is clear that when magazines such as TIME find it necessary to report on the color of a candidates skin and if he is portraying the stereotype "properly", that the corporate media really does care more about gossip than what is on a candidates mind. And that they are turning a candidate for presidency into a celebrity.

In the end, the color of his skin is what we consider to be black. But he is the President of the United States, so lets just call him black, red, white, and blue.

4. Obama Vs The Straw Man-
Anyone who has heard Obama give a speech can either love it, or get very frustrated about his rhetorical device. But do not forget he is NOT the first do use this. George W Bush was proficient at setting up a straw man when trying to argue for his policies.

Like Bush, Obama never calls out or single out his critics by name. For example, at a news conferences he says, "there are others who recognize that we've got to do a significant recovery package, but they're concerned about the mix of what's in there. And if they are sincere about it, then I'm happy to have conversations". In this case, he built it up to have two roads to choose, passing his plan, or do nothing. Even when the Senate was voting to approve his stimulus package, the president wags his finger at lawmakers whom he described as wanting to do nothing for those who are suffering the most.

Here is an article that talks about Obama trying to build himself up to be like Lincoln. By not only talking about how Lincoln is his favorite president, but comparing himself and what he intends to do to Lincoln, it changes the public's perspective of him. "Not only is Lincoln one of my political heroes," Obama said, "but like Lincoln, I served for seven years in Springfield in the state Senate, and it's there I learned how to legislate, it's there that I developed many of my political ideas." Really Mr President? Because you served for seven years in Springfield you believe you might be the next Abraham Lincoln, I find that really weird.

5. The Clean and Articulate Black Man-
Regardless of race, gender, or political affiliation, people listen to his speech stops thinking and are basically enchanted by him. But few understand why he has this effect on them.

I believe one of the reasons he gets criticized so much for not being black enough is because in his speeches not only does he sound educated, he shows off his rhetoric skills.

During the election I was lucky enough to see Obama speak in person on three occasions, and see Hillary speak once. There was an enormous difference! Obama always talks about being on a journey that is about more than just his tag lines, "hope" and "change". He says things like walking "together" down an "American road" and makes sure everyone realizes this country needs a lot of "hard work" that wont be "easy". Obama is great at comforting voters with a national narrative. He makes listeners want to look up to him the way people look up to Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.

"Show business is not entirely without an idea of excellence, but its main business is to please the crowd, and its principal instrument is artifice" (Postman 126). Obama now in office has to do more than make speeches and make his words become votes. He has to put his words in to action. He is becoming a very different president than he was when he was a candidate.

It is very impressive that Obama's rhetoric won him 90% of the black vote and 52% of the white vote in the Virginia primary. Most people cant remember what he said, but they have a good idea of what he means, and most of them love to listen to him talk.

6. "Hope" He Gave Us-
I'm not sure if I would say I had given up on the government because of the Bush administration, but his presidency really put a damper on the state of the nation.

When I hear the words "hope" and "change" I think of Obama's campaign (not his presidency) and the "iconic" poster of Obama being red white and blue staring off into space.Because of the words he used he gave a nation hope. He had the ability to inspire everyone, even if they wouldn't vote for him.

"I heard self-identified leftist activists describe Obama as a peace and justice candidate who wanted to end war and redistribute wealth. I was also told by Republicans that Obama was a democrat they could imagine voting for, precisely because he wasn't especially left-wing or liberal" (Streets xxvii).

By telling people what they wanted to hear, he was able to appeal to a wide range of people. He was more of a celebrity because he was new and young and inspiring. Because of Obama's rhetoric and use to uplifting techniques, people didn't take the time to question his promises the way they do with other candidates. And thats exactly what he is trying to do for the next election. Hope will be even more significant than change. He is started the change but he will need to get voter's trust back if he wants to win again.

7. Socially Networked Candidate-
The average college student has Twitter, Facebook and even a YouTube account, and now even grandparents and toddlers do too! So what a great idea to join the 900 million people on Facebook, 200 million on Twitter as a presidential candidate!

If there is one thing that politicians learned from the past election, it is that social media if used with a positive, individual interest, networking message strategy can have tremendous power and is appealing to the younger voters.

Luckily for Obama's campaign, he could talk more directly to the voters and talk longer than just a T.V. commercial, "Among the advantages of Internet campaigning is that candidates can control their message, they do not have to rely on journalists to transmit it to the public, and they are not constrained by the high cost and limited format of the 30 second campaign commercial" (Croteau/Hoynes 250). He used tools like Youtube to post his speeches so even if voters weren't able to see him in person, they could see his speech in their hometown. And through Twitter give shout outs to towns. I wonder if they will start using Foursquare to have "spontaneous" events.

It is going to be interesting to see every post-Obama politician's campaign using social media to help them win. Not only is it something they will have to do successfully, it is something they will have to adapt to. The tactics that we used in 2007/8 will be different today, and when the election gets closer. The government, politicians, and voters are going to have to be constantly making changes in order to be connected to one another.

Even if the media controls the brand and message by only presenting a candidate in a positive light, social media doesn't allow this to go unchallenged as the ONLY message people see or talk about, and its wonderful! Both bloggers and social media platforms can be a medium for a business' planned marketing campaign. But, it can always also be a forum for unplanned discussion and gossip causing the negatives around a campaign or product to grow rapidly and out of control.

Like I said, social media and networking is a tool that business can use to promote themselves or a product in a way that is virtually free, user friendly, and lets the users speak for itself. There is a lot that businesses can take away from Obama's campaign and his presidency's use of platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube.

8. Coverage Created a Celebrity-
"Once he attained dominant media favor, this coverage became perhaps the critical driving force behind 'the Obama phenomenon"(Street 17). Who created the Obama phenomenon, clearly it's the media.

Yes, lots of people were concerned about the "black issue" but clearly the majority of people found no problem voting for Obama and supporting him on his campaign for months. This campaign gained a title from the media, "Obama Phenomenon" Through his charismatic, smarts and hardworking attitude, he shown above everyone else. But it wasn't just that, and it wasn't just his speeches that captivated the audience.

It was the media. They were in love with Obama. The way the coverage of Obama's campaign was shown, electing a non-Caucasian as president for the first time in history! Who wouldn't want to be a part of that major change? Obama used that advantage in the media to propel himself in front of his competition through the media.

"Show business is not entirely without an idea of excellence, but its main business is to please the crowd, and its principal instrument is artifice. If politics is like show business, then the idea is not to pursue excellence, clarity, or honesty but to appear as if you are, which is another matter altogether. And what the other matter is can be expressed in one matter: advertising"(Street 52).

9. Barack-Star-
Urban Dictionary defines "Barack Star as The Democratic Presidential nominee that everyone is talking about and love to be the next President of the U.S." and 5 other definitions.

A group of people from Florida said they would have camped out overnight if they had been allowed to. The wait in security lines and extreme cold didn't stop people from attending the free "concert" even though it was broadcast live on TV. And if you were to watch it on TV you could have a Barack and roll party.

People were hiding under blankets and bouncing around to keep warm when temperatures were almost freezing. The Reflecting pool was covered with a sheet of ice.

It was on the same steps of Martin Luther King Jr 48 years ago that he roused the civil rights movement. On stage are mega stars Bruce Springsteen, U2, and Stevie Wonder are performing. Actors Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Jack Black, and Jamie Foxx reading historic passage interspersed with gospel choir songs and orchestral numbers.

It was like watching a concert, it had a party atmosphere, but it was very serious. Barack Obama welcomed like a rock star when hundreds of thousands of people crammed around the Lincoln Memorial to watch the country's first black leader be sworn in as president.

Barack Obama was loved by most of the country and treated every day more like a rock star than the soon to be President of the United States. "He had postured as a knight in shining armor who has come to restore America's lost promise and power by transcending the intense factional, personal, and ideological conflicts and corrupted loyalties that have soured Americans on their political system" (Street xxxiii).

10. Obama is a One Man Brand-
What does Obama read? What dog did he get his family? What's his favorite movie? What NCAA team does he want to win? What car does he drive? What happens when you put these answers and you get the Obama Brand.

Not only has Barack Obama captured the world's attention with becoming the first Black president, but he has used the media to market his image to the American people.

Part of the rock star's life is having people wanting to be exactly like you. Anyone can find out what cigarets he smokes, suits he buys, and anything else he loves. People will go out of their way and spend extra money to buy things that Obama likes, just like any other rock star or celebrity.

"It appears that, rather than transporting information, the Internet has become a 'virtual mall,' with corporations trying new ways to sell us all sorts of products" (Croteau/Hoynes 13). The ability to buy what ever people desire online is something that corporations keep jumping after.

Some people like to take it a step further. People buy shoes, shirts, hats, mugs, anything with his face, slogan, or logo on it. It is because we like our president that the corporate advertising world manipulated our passion for "hope" and "change". People like to show their support for people and buying all these goods is the best way many American's who are materialistic see to do it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Media Meditation4: A Life of Convergence.

My morning routine involves waking up, getting a bowl of Special K, and watching/reading the news and its been this way since I was in 6th grade. My dad would always have two news papers already read and I would get to look through them. I would start with the front page and work my way to the sports, and not even read cartoons.

It has always been this way and been this simple. I love news papers but since going to boarding school I've had my routine changed. I went from print to screen and watched loads of videos that CNN posted on their website.

Now I'm in college and I constantly have multiple forms of technology at my fingertips. Now every morning I grab my IPad instead of news paper or computer and its the New York Times followed by CNN on my IPad. I love it because when I'm rushed in the morning I can keep reading while walking and in class with out having to worry about pages falling all over the place or ink on my hands when I'm eating.

Even in my first thirty minutes of being awake, my life is full of convergence. It is amazing how much things have changed in the past 11 years. Convergence on the digital high way was what use to be the important thing and the next 11 years looks much better.

Already e-readers, mobile phones/videos, internet, social networking, games, and computing have been able to become one device and all is connected through WiFi and/or 3G. If you have avoided the IPad for the past year, take a moment and see what it can really do.

The IPad is just as revolutionizing of a gadget as TV and a computer, because it combines the both. For almost two decades people have been a gadget where you can consume different types of media in that one piece of technology. Most television is already available online, there is a Kindle app and Ibook store, Itunes lets you have music, tv, movies, and the Internet. The IPad is the perfect shape and size for a convergence box! It is the size of a small TV or novel, viewrs dont have to squint to watch videos on the YouTube app. The IPad is the reality of a long lived fantasy of many gadget and media consumers.

The IPad does it all... As long as all you want to do is consume media...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Race To The Top is a FLOP

I chose to research Censored Story: #20 Obama's Charter School Policies Spread Segregation and Undermine Unions. What are President Obama's plans and views on education? Here is what he had to say at the State of The Union-

  • The US cannot compete globally without an educated workforce; they tell us that America is falling behind in the economic global "race to the top".
  • The Obama policy is also quite similar to Bush’s in its goals for the rapid expansion of charter school networks and nonprofit with for-profit providers to run them... "Race To The Top" is the rebranding name for "No Child Left Behind"-
  • According to a survey conducted last fall by the school administrators’ association, nationally 6 percent of districts closed or consolidated schools for the 2009–10 school year, double the number from the 2008–09 school year. The ranks of public school closures are expected to grow to 11 percent for the 2010–11 school year
  • For states to be eligible for the $4.3 billion, they must show they are progressing toward meeting the four assurances. If they do not, then the states will not qualify for the funds and their political representatives will be forced to tell their constituencies that there are no monies for education and face the wrath of voters. interviews Diane Ravitch, author of "The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education". Ravitch was Assistant Secretary of Education & Counselor to Education Secretary Lamar Alexander under President George H.W. Bush and appointed to the National Assessment Governing Board under President Clinton.
The interview starts about 2min and 10 seconds into the video-

Although Obama has said in the past that teachers should not be forced to spend the entire academic year preparing students to "fill in bubbles on standardized test" (Weinstein, 2009) it certainly seems that under the Obama administration programs like No Child Left Behind is here to stay...

Mid Semester Reflection

A review of the class for the first half of the semester:

1. After studying media for eight weeks in this class, what have you learned? Please be specific.

The one major concept that I've grasped for the first half of this semester is convergence and simplicity of creating media. In the past the power tools have always been in the main thing that I learn but this being my third year of using them it's more integrated and something I don't think about as much. Even in the past three years the ability of anyone to make multiple types of media has grown so much. With the increased popularity of flip cameras, online editing software, and smart phones it really comes down to anyone has the chance to have their work seen by the right people and with social media they can spread it around better. Even a 25 year old woman can make a movie by herself and make it look extremely well done and not have to be sponsored by a big corporation is amazing.

2. What is the most important thing you have learned about yourself as a critical reader, a writer, and a thinker in this class so far?

I'm getting more and more fascinated with being involved with news on a consumer level. I'm discovering myself going out and looking for stories instead of waiting for one to come to me. My computer's home page is BBC and I spend a lot of time looking at news, especially this semester with Egypt, Libya and now Japan. This class has helped me be a better researcher and consumer of news media and to almost always question what is being reported and dig deeper to find a multi sided more rounded story and becoming a much more critical reader, watcher, and thinking of the news.

3. What’s one thing you would do differently this first half of the semester if you were to take this class again?

I would have tried to spend more time focusing on the reading. The books that we've read were really enjoyable and educational, but it was still homework and a time frame it had to get done in. I would have planned my time better so I could spend more time really reading and thinking about the reading. I like having to write blog posts about them because it does make me think, but I just wish I had managed by time better so I could do more.

4. What’s one thing you would like me to do differently this first half of the semester if you were to take this class again?

I understand the reason you chose the videos you do. I love them and they are awesome and I'm glad I get to see them again, I defiantly notice this I hadn't in the past. However, I'm not sure how fair it is. I've seen the videos you show for the tool sets at least 10 times each and with my mind and eye for film I can remember a lot of detail about them. I would have been able to fill out a note card on all of them with out having to have seen them again. I'm not sure how fare that is to someone who has never seen them in a class with you. Maybe for students who havent taken a class with you keep it the same, students who this is their second make them do something different, and third even more different. Like limit the power tools they can use, because there are some that its easy to use as a copout like testimonial, ownership, and aesthetic shift.

5. Please comment on the usefulness of the power tools, our quizzes, the course blog, your personal blog, our films, and our books (AMUSING, FEED, MEDIA/SOCIETY) as learning tools.

Like I've said before I love the power tools and quizzes and use of blogs because as a returning student I know what to expect, how to use it best, and how important they are. I love the books we've read this semester they dont just benefit me for my major but I think they are books that everyone should read. I enjoy blogging and I wish we used our personal blog for more than just four media meditations. I'm not sure what else you could find to use them but I would have liked that a lot. I'm not a huge talker in any of my classes but I love writing and talking on blogs and forums. Maybe the use of a wiki for a class where everyone whould have their own page or color to write in or something like that so we could easily view other's ideas and bring everything together in a way thats different than just commenting on chapter blog posts. Or have their be a requirement not to just get followers, but comment on peoples personal blogs.

Thanks for another great first half of the semester!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Media Meditation3: Viral Videos are Vying for Views

So far on vacation I've spent so many hours watching videos on Youtube and other places looking up videos. Even with out relaxing in front of my computer and clicking on video after video I get emailed or IMed some video...
What is it that makes a video go viral? Why are we so fascinated by them? Who makes them go viral?

There are so many viral videos yet somehow they keep popping up. Websites like Youtube are full of videos that are vying for views. The majority of videos and clips on Youtube dont get more than 50 views, but there are a handful that get 100,000 views. The first video I remember getting popular is the video with over 40,000,000 views, and thats just this user's upload-
Yes the man in the video looks hysterical but after seeing it once I didnt have the urge to play it again or send it to others. A lot of people did and I'm sure there are several reasons why such as:
  • One of the major parts that made it popular is the limbic brain is attracted to the music thats in another language that sounds like silly voices.
  • The movements and music create emotional transfer and you cant help but smile and feel goofy.
  • The man in the video wasnt a celebrity or known before the video. He was just a plain folk and others can relate to him.
Two years ago a woman named Susan Boyle auditioned on Britain's Got Talent. She looked old, warn down, and seemed to be nervous. People were laughing at her until she started singing! Every version of this video on youtube has the embedding disabled. But of course, it was easy to find some where else-
After seeing this woman over come her fears at perform amazingly, its hard not to want to show this to someone else.
  • Everyone who watches this movie has their own individual meaning that comes after they watch it. For me I'm really proud of her and it makes me think of my mentee from DREAM who says all she wants to do is sing.
  • In the video you can see the audience crying and everyone being so in awe with Susan. It makes the viewer feel warm and fuzzy the way the audition is edited and the way people react.
  • The motivation and inspiration from this video is created by the strength she shows and the encouragement that the judges and hosts give her making the viewer feel empowered.
There are so many people who have become famous out of Youtube videos that everyone is trying to make the next big thing. Its becoming easier and easier for everyone to shoot, edit, and post so people decide Youtube fame is better than Hollywood fame. There are blogs and articles all over the web on how convergence helps make a viral video.

I'm not a fan of spending all day on youtube watching babies laugh at paper, bite fingers, or get knocked over by puppies... but it is very entertaining to sometimes do that. And congratulations to those who have made a success out of sharing a part of their life with the rest of the World Wide Web.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Media Meditation2: Tweet Like an Egyptian

Mubarak disconnected his citizens of Egypt from the Internet, but they managed to turn things around and disconnected him from the government. It wasn't done through violent protesters, suicide bombers, or attacks on his life. The people took the power of social media and used it to change their world.

I could name so many adults that dislike social media and say that its a waste of time, addicting, and can lead to cyber bullying.
Here are so definitions to explain what the three main platforms are-

It is a place to communicate with friends and family, to share photographs or funny links you find on the Web, to play social games like Farmville or Mafia Wars, search for long-lost friends or even chat interactively with your buddies.

It is many different things to many different people. It can be used by a family tokeep in touch, or a company to coordinate business, or the media to keep people informed or a writer to build up a fan base. Twitter is a micro-blogging. It is social messaging. It is an event coordinator, a business tool, a news reporting service and a marketing utility.

Perhaps the best alternative to Twitter, solving many issues that the social messaging giant suffers from including the 140 character max message limit. Twitter was designed for text messaging, thus the limitation. Tumblr is designed for the web, thus Tumblr makes it easy to share text, photos, videos and links.

While you watch this video, I want you to think about other protests. You could say that its extremely similar to almost any other one, the people are passionate, they know who to trust and who not to trust, and they all have the same message... Just like other protesters have for other causes.

Now I want you to figure out how it got so big. How did thousands of people know what was going on? How and why did the media pick up on it with such intensity and passion when they have ignored hundreds of other ones in the Middle East and Africa. They picked up on it because the people wanted them to. They got the worlds attention through Facebook and Twitter. Once the media discovered so many people around the world researching and following Egypt they couldnt stay away. But of course many news reports didnt even talk about the struggle that happened through social networking.

Social media and networking started a revolution to change the government of an entire country. The January 25th revolution in Egypt gained a major foothold because of tools like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. People used social media to increase government transparency, spread news/photographs and show outsiders what was actually happening as opposed to what the government and media was showing.

Theres a very interesting story by Stephan Faris that is on Time's website: Meet the Man Tweeting Egypt's Voices to the World It just shows how small the world can become with social media and especially blogging/microblogging.

Whether or not you agree that the revolt would have happened with out media, you can not deny that todays real-time communication spread word of the protests and helped gain momentum that would have been a lot harder to achieve without social networks.

Maybe people will start using the media instead of weapons to change the world?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Not related to class-

But!!! I just love how by the time I got home from Iron Chef Fox44 and Channel 3 WCAX already had stories up about Iron Chef. No need to wait to read the morning paper, its almost instant! I would love to be a part of this process. Get a story, film, edit, publish all in a few hours, so crazy!

Go team yakittome!!! most fun Ive had at iron chef in three years!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Media Meditation1: LK's KU Convergence

Some people just watch a college basketball in a sports bar, at home at a party, or follow it online. I follow The University of Kansas (the Jayhawks) basketball in more ways than I thought was possible and tonight while I'm watching a game I'll bring you along with me to see how I connect with the players, fans, and announcers.
KU is playing their biggest rivals Missouri. It might be one of the biggest rivals in college basketball so sorry for any offensive language from fans.

Pre Game-
Anyone whos my friend knows when a KU Basketball game is coming up. I spend the entire day tweeting and blogging videos, articles, pictures, what ever I can find.

I look at videos a lot. I have an RSS feed set up for anything Kansas. From the game, fan videos, and news reports. But what I love watching videos of players off the court that THEY MAKE! The University of Kansas gave players from different sports a camera and let them video tape whatever they wanted. One of the best things about letting the players do that is it makes them see more like every other person. They use plain folks, testimonial, and humor.

Heres one from the basketball team, basically a few days in their shoes-

And of course I must post articles about why this rival goes beyond basketball and is one of the most intense and historical ones. This one was my favorite for this week. I love using my RSS feed to read not only summeries of the game, but to learn more about KU tradition. The technological shift of local news papers being put online really helps keep traditions alive wherever in the world KU fans are.

Missouri's mascot (a tiger) just happens that my favorite animal and I have a stuffed one. In honor of tonight's game I took a picture of it in a KU tshirt with my phone and posted it to Tumblr. One of my favorite things about Tumblr how good it's for smart phones. Its convergence at its best. Take a picture, write a caption, create tags, post it Tumblr, view posts of others! The individual meaning that is created before the game is different for everyone. I never wanted to go to a big college like KU but I easily could have gone just because I love watching sports. There is no other team, no other sport, that I have ever taken the time to research and be as connected to. There is something about this team/college basketball that makes me feel connected and part of a nation. Not to mention I love all the media around the currently ranked number two team in the nation. Its all over the internet!

Game Time-
The game is starting in about ten minutes andwhat is on my screen? Everything! Just look at how many tabs I have open!
I have three news sources on what's going on with the game, an article that I was reading before the game started on how one of the starting players is hurt, Twitter, followed by two Tweetchats for the hashtags #muckfizzou and #kubball, then a search for university of kansas on Tumblr and my Tumblr's dashboard.

One of the reasons I love following the stories on twitter is everyone feels united. Everyone bandwagons and creates hashtags like #muckfizzou (instead of saying fuck mizzou), #rockchalk (from the chant "rock chalk jayhawk"), and even for players #trob (Thomas Robinson). The defensive nationalism can get really intense. From 2007-a few weeks ago KU hadnt lost a home game. That was a record amount of games, 69 of home wins in a row, the next closes is in the 30s. Because of that people went crazy describing, supporting, and bragging about KU using strength, scientific evidence, name calling, denial, and humor online. Tonight's game is exactly the same thing because its against our number one rival. Twitter exploded with quotes, pictures, and sayings.

Jayhawk nation is like no other, and thats not just a fan saying it. Other players, coaches, fans, ESPN announcers all say its different from any other team/fan/location. Anything about KU automatically draws fans in. The music, chants, alma mater, or even just KU fans screaming ignites the limbic brain and gets everyone's reptilian brain wanting to get super exciting and fight the other team. What makes my limbic brain react the most? The Rock Chalk Jayhakw chant! I love it so much. The pacing and how it starts off slow and quiet then it rumbles its way to a bombing fast chant. Its just great and always gets me ready for a game.

Incase you have never heard the alma mater or rock chalk chant heres a video of it-

Post Game-
The game is over and everyone is tweeting, blogging, making videos, and re-watching plays.

When the game is over the players tweet about it, coach Bill Self has weekly interviews, and the media covers it from every angle. People re post and re tweet things and Ive seen a few times that ownership becomes a problem. On Tumblr there are some amazing pictures that a few photographers put up and Tumblr allows you to reblog the photos. Im guilty of doing it, some of them are just too great. However, Ive seen people get mad when they dont get the credit for their pictures. Ownership online is getting very complicated and easy to forget about. I decided not to follow the people who get up in arms about it, just one amazing photographer who also follows me and talks to me about the Jayhawks!

The thing that makes me love watching the University of Kansas's basketball games with my computer open is everything Ive talked about. The unity that everyone feels, individual meaning, convergence, and of course the warm and fuzzy feeling you get when your team wins is what makes watching Kansas my favorite even twice a week.

I love my Jayhawks and cant wait to visit Lawrence KS this summer and move there after college to start grad school at KU!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Script 1

4 Units Productions
FEED In 60 Seconds. Script #1

ATTENTION ALL UNITS! Have you gotten your feed yet? If not, THIS is your last chance to purchase YOUR OWN FEED! Just call 1-800-555-FEED for your introduction tablet.

"I just love my FEED, never null while I'm connected! Browsing the ads is great. Looking through ads the old way is squelched at best. I recently found a new face through an ad my FEED automatically sent me."

Your tablet will include all of the simple steps to installing your feed and how to get on with your life, HASSLE FREE. AND if you call now we'll include a complimentary FEED sippy cup, FREE!! Yes, thats right, you will receive your introductory feed tablet, along with a stylish FEED sippy cup!

"M-Chatting is also great! I work on the moon so it's a great way to stay connected while I'm away. In fact, everything about the FEED is meg brag; shopping, chatting, browsing, learning, the feed does it all!"

We guarantee you will like what you see! But wait, THERE'S MORE! If you call now and purchase your feed over the phone, we will include 2 FEED SIPPY CUPS, ALL for 14 easy payments of $139.95!! Yes, thats right, just 14 easy payments of $139.95 (plus zapping and handling)!

"I finished updating the goopla in the cranex for feed. Now everything is set and brag for all units to get new and improved FEED."

Call 1-800-555-FEED NOW!

Blue= announcer/sales man
Red, Green, Orange= testimonial

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Back to the blog

Here is a re-introduction to myself for my Contemporary Media Issues class with Prof Rob Williams-

My drives license says Lawrence Kansas, my birth certificate is from the state of New Jersey, I started school in Kentucky, but I lived for ten years in three different places in New Hampshire... I'm not sure where I'm from.

During winter vacation I spent most of my time in a small town in Southern Vermont near Mount Snow. However, I went to visit my cousin in up state New York and of course one of the first things I noticed when all the billboards. I hated it! Not only does it destroy the views but do we really need giant signs in our face? The one that sticks out the most was black with one bold white word, "GAY?" and the next one said "It's okay" with a website underneath. Clearly it wasnt that good because I dont remember the website.

I LOVE the convergence of different types of tools into one. On a smart phone you can shoot, edit, and upload a movie! With practice anyone can make something that looks professional! I know I'm not a professional but I love making movies and sharing them with friends on my youtube account and facebook-

The down side to people having access to applications that allow them to appear as professionals, is some people get confused as to what is true information (which is already hard enough to define) and falls information. That combined with the simplicity to spread the information through twitter, blogs, liking, digging makes media and technology very frustrating to me.

A near future career would to work for a small and local nonprofit organization or a program that helps the youth be more active, creative, and healthy (like the program I'm involved with now called DREAM). I would love to do social networking, blogs, advertising, or anything for them. A more life long goal would to work for a local TV station or media outlet and still have strong ties to community service and awareness.

Thats all for now, thanks for reading. Be sure to come back to read more about my opinions and observations about media, advertising, brands.