Today I'll be writing about a different type of media. Not a news paper, or a book, or a movie, and not even really T.V. but a form of online media that is becoming a popular trend- Twitter. I have been involved in twitter for over a year now and LOVE IT! I try to update my followers with my tweets daily and talk about a lot of different things so I have a wide range of followers.
I'm also an active member of a mentoring program called DREAM and follow themon twitter. We decided to try to get our group of kids and mentors who work very hard on to The Ellen Degeneres Show (who also has a twitter). And since the day she found out about it shes been hooked on it...
We started to plot how we should go about doing this. Ellen got on the cover of O-magazine by hounding Oprah with tweets and talking about it constantly on her show. She also holds tweet contests and her show even created a hash tag #getonellen so they could find some people they want to bring onto the show.
Me and my friend decided this is how we would get on her show. We taught everyone in DREAM how to use twitter and had two weeks of constantly tweeting to Ellen! By the end of it she was following us! But it was more than just that, we used a lot of different techniques to make it work.

One of the first persuasive techniques we used was flattery. We sent Ellen tweets such as, "@TheEllenShow The DREAMkids could learn so much from a role-model like yourself. @DREAMprogram should #getonellen to change their lives"

Then we used so many other things such as rhetorical questions, nostalgia, and bandwagoning saying if George Bush can support DREAM we know Ellen can.
Those were just a few things used every now and then. A lot of the stuff we used was humor (2, 4, 6, 8 Who's the show thats making us wait...@TheEllenShow! DREAM loves you...can we #getonellen to inspire our mentees to DREAMbig), scientific evidence (@TheEllenShowDREAM is the only youth organization in VT that specializes in serving this rural lowincome family housing pop. #getonellen!!!), and plain folks by having over 20 mentors from Champlain College, and then office staff and friends/families tweet to Ellen! Of course I think the most important persuasive technique we used wasrepetition. One of the best things about twitter is you can "re-tweet" what other people are saying so the same message can be said many many times! We had everyone come up with their own and then re-tweet what other people were saying! There are some of my tweets that got re-tweeted over 20times!

One of our major strengths I believe was production techniques. First we created a site on tumblr- so we could link tweets to that incase the DREAM website crashed. Also on here we had a lot of information on our specific point of tweeting. We also used a lot of pictures, videos from youtube, and statistics to draw her in even more. Before our first tweet-a-thon, we sent Ellen's show a box filled with DREAM stuff such as a t-shirt, letters and pictures from kids, flyers, a stick from DREAM's summer camp, stickers, and much more. We made sure not to only show Ellen our individual meaning though personal tweets and pictures, but also DREAM'svalue message and why DREAM as a mentoring program is so important and strong. Combining all these things made for a very easy and big emotional transfer. I loved really getting personal with who I hoped to be tweeting to, Ellen, and we really spent a lot of time asking her to let us tell our story on her show.
We never would have been able to do this with out technological shift! Between youtube, twitter, uploading pictures and videos, and so much more stuff, we were able to pull off a good event (even if Ellen hasnt gotten back to us yet). The ability for college student to be able to reach out to a celebrity and hope she receives our message is quickly becoming easier and easier.
We just started doing this but clearly got her attention because she is now following us. I'll keep my blog followers updated if she ever contacts us and brings us on her show! That will really be a great media experience then!
EXCELLENT m.m. on how you use 2.0 to promote the good work of DREAM, Laura, and make the ELLEN connection!
ReplyDeleteVery exciting!
Worth sharing in class...
Dr. W